Monday, January 9, 2012

The Exquisite Ecstatic Bliss of Nothing

This area of Massachusetts, the Pioneer Valley, is known to be the breadbasket of Hippies. It's their breeding ground. Now, as I've stated in previous posts, Hippies are basically the nicest people I've ever encountered. 

They care.

... about everything. 

 So don't misunderstand the following post. I'm not criticizing or mocking. Just enlightening. Enlightenment is very big around here. There are whole Institutes devoted to the purification and healing of the soul and personal being. Nate and I saw this flyer at the Laundromat yesterday:

Far out, don't ya think?

I've been feeling Nothing for several weeks now actually. Nothing in my wallet. Nothing to do to make a living. Sometimes even Nothing in my fridge. I've yet to find the Ecstatic Bliss of Nothing though. Maybe it's out in the woods somewhere. 

On a more Exquisite note, I am now employed! A lovely family I interviewed with asked me to be their nanny and I happily accepted. So I'll go tomorrow to spend some time with the Mom and newborn baby and then with the 2 year old when he gets up from his nap. I'm looking forward to getting started and settled in with the family and their routine. Also looking forward to paying bills! 

Nate and I are planning to go to Manhattan on Saturday to see Becca, Heather, and Billy. So excited! I've been once before, for maybe eight hours. Still, some of the best eight hours I've ever had! This time we're going to ride the subway, for sure. Yes, I'm excited to ride the subway. But mostly excited to see my friends!

Kate, I want you to know that you were right. Everybody up here does wear slippers around the house cause floors are freaking freezing. I wear the ones you gave me every day. I even took them with me when I babysat the other night, though that family has heated floors. You heard me. Heated FLOORS. And I thought having butt warmers in the car seats was living high on the hog! Pssshhh. 

But ya know, even though I have no money and cold floors, I'm happy. I have a lot more Something than I do Nothing, and my Something is pretty darn good. I think that infinite freedom of the mind is not having what you want but wanting what you have. Sheryl Crow taught me that. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post Alison. Keep up the blog even though you're now busy with the new job!
